The Hatest Generation

My dad is 67 years old, a full year younger than the average Fox viewer, who is 68, according to an analysis in New York magazine by columnist Frank Rich. I’ve read accounts of people my age — 40 or so — losing parents to cancer or Alzheimer’s, but just as big a tragedy are the crops of grandmothers and grandfathers debilitated by Fox News-induced hysteria.

I enjoyed Fox News for many years, as a libertarian and frequent Republican voter. I used to share many, though not all, of my father’s values, but something happened over the past few years. As I drifted left, the white, Republican right veered into incalculable levels of conservative rage, arriving at their inevitable destination with the creation of the Tea Party movement.

via I Lost My Dad to Fox News | Alternet.

And the IMF becomes and has always been a socialist/communist organization according to Fox in 3…2…1…

A new paper by researchers at the International Monetary Fund appears to debunk a tenet of conservative economic ideology — that taxing the rich to give to the poor is bad for the economy.

The paper by IMF researchers Jonathan Ostry, Andrew Berg and Charalambos Tsangarides will be applauded by politicians and economists who regard high levels of income inequality as not only a moral stain on society but also economically unsound.

via Taxing the rich is good for the economy, IMF says – Business – CBC News.

Desktop Clearer and Weekend Reading

So we’ll begin at the end with this story, which illustrates why the long game is headed a single direction.

Then we look at why the folks on the short end of the long game are fighting for a place at a smaller table.

After a tumultuous week of party infighting and leadership stumbles, congressional Republicans are focused on calming their divided ranks in the months ahead, mostly by touting proposals that have wide backing within the GOP and shelving any big-ticket legislation for the rest of the year.

Next we get an inside look at the folks who fill the trough that feeds the smaller table.

It was January 2012, and Ross, wearing a tuxedo and purple velvet moccasins embroidered with the fraternity’s Greek letters, was standing at the dais of the St. Regis Hotel ballroom, welcoming a crowd of two hundred wealthy and famous Wall Street figures to the Kappa Beta Phi dinner. Ross, the leader (or “Grand Swipe”) of the fraternity, was preparing to invite 21 new members — “neophytes,” as the group called them — to join its exclusive ranks.

After that we take a look at someone who was busted sucking Koch a couple years back and how that paper trail is coming home to roost.  [Walker busted sucking up to the Koch]

MILWAUKEE — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who has had his eye on a 2016 presidential run since his battles with labor unions made him a Republican star, is dealing with the fallout of two criminal investigations at home that could complicate his move to the national stage.

Long, apolitical piece on Asperger’s and DSM V.

Hanging out with racist assholes will surely, at some point, be a negative for Texas politicians.

Republicans renew push to kill Net Neutrality and continue campaign to confuse people about what it is.

And the assault on voting rights in states that were previously covered by the Voting Rights Act continues, as predicted…by the Voting Rights Act.

Venezuela is moving towards Ukranian levels of chaos.

While Uganda’s President is asking Republicans to come and teach him about how evil the gay is.

World’s Worst “Journalist” Gets Plum Assignment, Makes Everyone Dumber

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So this is the top-rated comment from the idiot brigade referring to Bill O’Reilly’s “interview” with the President.  It wasn’t so much an interview as a series of accusations where.

We’ve seen a pretty amazing recovery from a huge financial disaster, the end of multiple wars, and unemployment finally falling to levels not seen in half a decade.

But instead of allowing any idea at all that any thing could ever be better in the slightest while *that dang Obama* is in the White House, we instead get a re-hash of the Buzzword Scandal that Fox News plays every day…IRSBENGHAZIOBAMACAREIRSBENGHAZIOBAMACARE.

Ignore the fact that the website works really well now.  Ignore the fact that multiple hearings into the IRS haven’t uncovered any corruption, only outdated rules.  Ignore the fact that four times as many Americans were killed in West, TX, than Benghazi or that black ops happen or anything at all except somehow, someway, it’s Obama’s fault because he’s an American-hating Muslim marxist.

This crap is absurd…but it’s not a fringe thing.  It’s mainstream Fox viewers who believe this, because it’s all that Fox puts out.  One finds more and more that watching Fox is actually an impediment to having a rational take on reality, and the top rated comment on their farce of an interview illustrates why.

These people are crazy.


Here’s a solid rundown of the “interview” and how ridiculous the questions were.