The Five Stages of Accepting President Clinton

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross gained some minor fame as a psychologist for studying the stages of grief.  She noted five major stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.   In watching the Democratic Primary (which ended roughly the moment NY polls closed), we have now moved well into the second stage of the model.


In Nevada, however, that first day of voting was only the beginning. In an intermediary round of county caucuses, the Sanders campaign turned out greater numbers, which tilted the balance toward his side. At the state convention on Saturday, Mrs Clinton once again had the higher turnout – in part because some Sanders delegates showed up late, provided insufficient information or were not registered as members of the Democratic Party.

The Sanders team wanted the rules changed to accommodate their delegates. The Clinton team refused. Then all hell broke loose.

Anger is the second stage in the grief model.  A great many people were passionately attached to the Bernie Sanders campaign, and watching something you love die is never easy.

Next up is the bargaining stage that will come after Clinton seals it up *officially* in NJ.  The idea here being that Sanders will get to have/be bribed with more power in the Democratic party in exchange for not tearing it apart (he has bee a Democrat for about a year now).

Depression will set in during July when a lifelong independent fails to get permission to re-write the Democratic Party platform (especially considering the actual nominee is a hardcore policy wonk).

Acceptance comes in August with the convention, and the *start* of the mainstream campaign against Voldemort and the United States’ racist and bigoted past.

It’ll be a blowout by at least 10 points, barring some major act of God or jihad between now and then.

Why Bernie Can’t and Won’t Win

In a recent YouGov survey, 43 percent of respondents under age 30 said they had a favorable opinion of socialism, while just 32 percent said the same about capitalism. Among all ages, races, geographic regions, genders, party affiliations and income levels, millennials were the only demographic that held socialism in higher regard than capitalism.

It’s not just Sanders’s socialist label that sells; it’s his socialist ideas, too.

And in 20 years, when the majority of the voting generations have grown up with “socialists” like Obama, instead on Stalin, you’ll be able to win a national election proudly bearing that label.

Until that time, it’s just not going to fly in a national election.


The Vermont senator’s brand of “authenticity” is off-limits to Hillary Clinton and…

Romney Passes on 2016

He passed the establishment torch to Jeb.

Good move on his part. It was going to be *really hard* for the GOP to attack Hillary as being “too old” when Mitt was older than she is.

Anyway, I think Jim Webb is going to get the Dem nod (if I had to pick one today) and it’s going to be a figurative slaughter.

By not pursuing a third White House bid, Mitt Romney frees up scores of donors and operatives who had been awaiting his decision, and creates space for center-right…

Jeb Bush Ends Presidential Bid for 2016 by picking his brother’s Least Popular Policy (for the GOP)

“We have a history of allowing people to come in legally to embrace our values and pursue their dreams in a way that creates prosperity for all of us,” Bush said. “We need to find a path to legalized status for those who have come here and have languished in the shadows.”

This is as out of touch with the GOP base as when his brother, Idiot, tried to do it.*

“They’re basically Maytag repairmen,” he said. “Nothing gets done.”
* it was in 2006, after W started to ignore Cheney and start to ask rational.  This was seen as betrayal by the GOP and everyone but the Bush family and friends and people who depended on them for income turned against W…leaving him about 29% popularity at the end.

The Panderific Rand “Pander” Paul Gears up for 2016

January 6, 2015   Rand Paul is working hard to polish his pro-Israel credentials.

Hours before meeting on Tuesday with some of the nation’s most influential and well-heeled Jewish GOP donors—including billionaire Sheldon Adelson—Paul introduced his second bill in as many years to cut off American foreign aid to the Palestinian government.

The “Defend Israel by Defunding Palestinian Foreign Aid Act of 2015” would cut off funding for the Palestinian government so long as it seeks recognition in the International Criminal Court, according to a Paul aide. The measure comes in addition to Paul’s “Stand with Israel Act,” introduced last year, which would end U.S. aid until the Palestinian Authority agreed to a cease-fire and recognized the state of Israel.

via Rand Paul Offers Another Pro-Israel Bill to Cut Palestinian Aid –

It would be harder to find a more disingenuous  politicians than Rand Paul. Not only has he been busted for plagiarizing, he’s been busted for pandering before too.

His dad was crazy and had ideas that had already been tried and failed spectacularly, but at least he had some integrity (well, outside the whole denying the newsletters with his name and signature on them).  Hrrm…on second thought, he is a fitting son.

I don’t think he’ll do much in the 2016 primaries, there are faaar too many issues where he panders the wrong way for the Teahadi base.   As a matter of fact, I kind of wonder why he’s even mentioned in the Presidential discussions.   I guess it’s a holdover from his dad running for like 20 years.

The Jeb Bush Train Commences

Yea, this sums up the Jeb train…

This is what voters will be subjected to for the next 22 months: A candidate desperate to please and to be understood, taking up the people’s time to get his message out over and over again, in different forms until someone applauds it.

Jeb Bush is like a corporate-created product that’s in the middle of a consumer focus group, looking for some sign of “like.”

I mean, when you are working from the assumption that you are better brother to be President than the last one, it’s just a matter of trying that key until it fits, because if Georgie could do it….

But anyway, as to Jeb’s comments, here is the crux of his argument.

“I hope that we can show respect for the good people on all sides of the gay and lesbian marriage issue – including couples making lifetime commitments to each other who are seeking greater legal protections and those of us who believe marriage is a sacrament and want to safeguard religious liberty.”

The problem here is that “respect” is not shown to one side in this debate. We could have a situation where all marriages are respected, but one side doesn’t want that. Instead we have this kind of “you must to be tolerant of my intolerance!!” rhetorical jujitsu that makes up the core of modern conservative thought.   (It should also be noted, this statement was released in part because Bush’s previous stance of not being a bigot didn’t fly with the Tea Derpers).

This isn’t an issue where “agree to disagree” works, as one sides wants to *literally* take rights away from the other and that other side *literally* just wants to be treated equally. It’s not apples and oranges, it’s Assholes and Americans.