Tom Cotton (R-Of course) Lying About Iran Letter

Why can’t our news media call out a big lie? Check this out…

The Cotton letter elevated an already tense atmosphere in the Capitol as the Iranian negotiations entered their final weeks.

Though Cotton has insisted that Democratic senators were approached about the letter, neither Bob Casey of Pennsylvania nor hawks like Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut said they had been approached. POLITICO was unable to locate a Democrat who was aware of the letter before it became public.

“I’d like to know what Democrat he approached,” said Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.).

Read more:…/republicans-surprised-by-iran-let…

So this Tea Derping idiot is claiming something that is fairly easy to suss out. If you can’t find anyone he talked to, you start asking why he’s trying to make this a partisan issue, and you don’t let him lie his way out of it.

The fact that these liars can take millions from billionaires and the naive folks of this country continue to ignore this horseshit all comes from the same place is probably the most frustrating aspect of this stuff.

Follow-up: Turns out Cotton had a meeting the next day with the representatives of the Military Industrial Complex

Some Republican senators admitted Wednesday they were caught off guard by the backlash to a letter warning Iranian leaders against a nuclear agreement with President Barack Obama. And Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Republicans —…

If Paul Ryan “rounds” a four hour plus marathon time down to two hours and fifty minutes…what other things is he lying, err, rounding about? (7302958) Republican Paul Ryan now says he didn’t run a marathon in less than three hours, but he did catch a fish [—————- T H I S —————-] big

I like to ask Ryan supporters a simple math question…in two parts…

A) How many times in the history of the U.S. have we had 10 years of 5%+ GPD growth and 2% unemployment?

B) How many times does Paul Ryan assume we will if we adopt his budget?

And that is from the guy that “rounded” about a third off his marathon record…starting to become clear what Ryan is yet?

Conservative author Jonah Goldberg lies about Pulitzer noms…guess the title of his book where he does it

On the dust jacket of his new book, “The Tyranny of Clichés: How Liberals Cheat in the War of Ideas,” best-selling conservative author and commentator Jonah Goldberg is described as having “twice been nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.”In fact, as Goldberg acknowledged on Tuesday, he has never been a Pulitzer nominee, but is merely one of thousands of entrants.

via Open Channel – Conservative author Jonah Goldberg drops claim of two Pulitzer nominations.

I guess claiming false credentials to build a false sense of respect and accomplishment is exactly how they do it.  Right, Jonah?

Boehner’s office cuts off C-SPAN cameras as GOP takes verbal beating

A strange thing happened Wednesday morning on Capitol Hill.

As Rep. Stenny Hoyer (D-MD) attempted to call for a vote to extend a payroll tax cut to middle class and working Americans, his Republican colleagues adjourned the House and walked out of the chamber. And if that weren’t odd enough, it got even stranger: As Hoyer railed against them for failing to help working Americans, footage from C-SPAN went silent, then cut away.

Moments later, C-SPAN took to the Internet to explain that it wasn’t their doing, but someone working for House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH).

via Boehner’s office cuts off C-SPAN cameras as GOP takes verbal beating | The Raw Story.

You can see the video here before Boehner had it cut off.

The bill passed the Senate 89-10, after the partisan House version failed.  So now the House refused to vote on the Senate version (Republicans don’t want to be seen voting down a working class tax cut…but they want to vote against it), and instead tries to reconcile the two versions.

What the video shows is the Republicans cutting off debate and refusing to vote on the Senate version…they had to cut off the video or Cantor’s lies about what happened might seem plausible.


“We regret, Mr. Speaker, that you have walked off the platform without addressing the issue of critical importance to this country, and that is the continuation of the middle class tax cut, the continuation of unemployment benefits for those at risk of losing them, and a continuation of the access to doctors for all those 48 million seniors who rely on them daily for help.”

And that’s when the audio cut out. Seconds later, footage faded to a shot of the capitol from outside.

Moments later, someone at C-SPAN took to Twitter and explained: “C-SPAN has no control over the U.S. House TV cameras – the Speaker of the House does.

Herman Cain officially toast (UPDATED: With science…)

Woman says she and Cain had 13-year affair; Cain denies accusation –

“Rather, this appears to be an accusation of private, alleged consensual conduct between adults — a subject matter which is not a proper subject of inquiry by the media or the public. No individual, whether a private citizen, a candidate for public office or a public official, should be questioned about his or her private sexual life. The public’s right to know and the media’s right to report has boundaries and most certainly those boundaries end outside of one’s bedroom door.

“Mr. Cain has alerted his wife to this new accusation and discussed it with her. He has no obligation to discuss these types of accusations publicly with the media and he will not do so even if his principled position is viewed unfavorably by members of the media.”

That’s from the campaign.  This one should be pretty easy to suss out.  Cain’s continued insistence that all…six now?…of these women are liars has already worn paper thin, this just wrecks it.

UPDATE:  Here’s the link with what, to me, if pretty damning evidence.

White also supplied WAGA with phone records that showed 61 calls or text messages from one number that she said was Cain’s private cellphone. When the reporter texted the number, Cain called them back.

White said Cain never mistreated her or sexually harassed her and planned to keep the affair a secret but became bothered by how Cain handled allegations by four women that he had sexually harassed them.

“It bothered me that they were being demonized, sort of, they were treated as if they were automatically lying, and the burden of proof was on them,” White said. “I felt bad for them.”

[full story]

This seem pretty legit, as it stands right now.  First up…not surprising someone with Cain’s “alleged” history has some strange on the side.  Second…women don’t like men getting away with lying.   And men don’t like them getting out of line, which is why when you look at whistleblower stats, you see a larger percentage of women facing harsher retaliation than men.  It is standing up to this consistent situation that is the prime motivator here, from where I sit, and not just a nefarious plot to bring down one man.   It’s consistent effort to bring down one liar, because he won’t stop doing it.

And he’ll keep doing it as long as he keeps getting way with it…and he’s been getting away with it for a looong time now.

Eric Cantor, D-Bag Extraordinairre, Typical 21st Century Republican

So I’ve mentioned before I’ve been following the debt limit discussions currently going on in Washington.   They came to a halt last Friday after Eric Cantor (R-VA) deciding that constantly saying that taxes SIMPLY CANNOT be part of the solution to government debt wasn’t working and everyone kept asking him to be more realistic.

That was never going to happen.  His departure from the “debt commission” was planned.

GOP aides and lawmakers said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-Va.) decision to exit debt talks led by Vice President Biden was inevitable.

The timing of Cantor’s exit from the talks has been discussed for weeks, and senior House Republicans cast it as a natural progression for the negotiations.

“There have been discussions about when these talks need to end and when the Speaker and the president need to get in the game,” one GOP aide explained.

[full story]

When the guy quit last week, he had this to say…

“There is not support in the House for a tax increase, and I don’t believe now is the time to raise taxes in light of our current economic situation,” Cantor said. “I believe it is time for the president to speak clearly and resolve the tax issue.”

What’s wild about this is that Cantor is now using the economic troubles caused by running huge deficits (created by tax cuts) and a war (paid for with…tax cuts) and lax regulation, as an argument against raising any government revenue.    The doublespeak here is off the charts.

Luckily there are a couple honest Republicans out there to try and balance out this stuff.   Well, former Republicans.  So it takes old people who have seen the errors of their ways to make the obvious point to the oblivious masses, old people like Reagan’s budget guy.

The sickest thing here…if Obama hadn’t given in to the hostage takers last December…we wouldn’t be having this “crisis” or this discussion.  The Bush Tax Cuts would be gone, and we’d be back on the path to fiscal sanity.

What’s even more wild is that about half of *actual* Republicans are rational enough to understand the governments can raise taxes to pay down government debt.

On tackling the deficit, voters by a margin of 2-to-1 support raising taxes on incomes above $250,000, with 64 percent in favor and 33 percent opposed.

Independents supported higher taxes on the wealthy by 63-34 percent; Democrats by 83-15 percent; and Republicans opposed by 43-54 percent.

This is the disconnect, BTW.  Four out of ten *actual Republicans* understand how low taxes are right now, and that they can be used by governments to pay down debt.   But when you get to Republican leadership, the support for any kind of taxes at all drops directly to 0%.
If you don’t understand why this is, you don’t understand how campaign finance reforms have made the Republicans a party that represents the interests of 1% of the population, but is able to use their wealth to buy 50% (and sometimes more) of the government.     Sit it on this meeting to find out how that works.

Last year the Wall Street Journal reported that Cantor, the No. 2 Republican in the House, had between $1,000 and $15,000 invested in ProShares Trust Ultrashort 20+ Year Treasury EFT. The fund aggressively “shorts” long-term U.S. Treasury bonds, meaning that it performs well when U.S. debt is undesirable. (A short is when the trader hopes to profit from the decline in the value of an asset.)

According to his latest financial disclosure statement, which covers the year 2010 and has been publicly available since this spring, Cantor still has up to $15,000 in the same fund. Contacted by Salon this week, Cantor’s office gave no indication that the Virginia Republican, who has played a leading role in the debt ceiling negotiations, has divested himself of these holdings since his last filing. Unless an agreement can be reached, the U.S. could begin defaulting on its debt payments on Aug. 2. If that happens and Cantor is still invested in the fund, the value of his holdings would skyrocket.

I think we can all rest happy knowing that if the U.S. defaults on their debt, Eric Cantor will do just fine.    Heck, the fund is up 3.3 percent just since he quit last week.

Both Sides Have to Believe

Reason Magazine – Hit & Run > Hard Time Killing Fraud

He started sprinkling water on Sanal and brandishing a knife in front of him. Sometimes he moved the blade all over his body. Sanal did not flinch. Then he touched Sanal’s head with his hand, rubbing and rumpling up his hair, pressing his forehead, laying his hand over his eyes, pressing his fingers against his temples. When he pressed harder and harder, Sanal reminded him that he was supposed to use black magic only, not forceful attacks to bring him down. The tantrik took a new run: water, knife, fingers, mantras. But Sanal kept looking very healthy and even amused.

After nearly two hours, the anchor declared the tantrik’s failure. The tantrik, unwilling to admit defeat, tried the excuse that a very strong god whom Sanal might be worshipping obviously protected him. “No, I am an atheist,” said Sanal Edamaruku. Finally, the disgraced tantrik tried to save his face by claiming that there was a never-failing special black magic for ultimate destruction, which could, however, only been done at night. Bad luck again, he did not get away with this, but was challenged to prove his claim this very night in another “breaking news” live program.

If one side doesn’t jive, the hocus pocus doesn’t focus.

This has been true forever.  If you were a robot you would know that.

If you were a pirate or a ninja, you would exploit it…for different reasons.