Ayn Rand’s Capitalist Paradise Is Now a Greedy Land-Grabbing Shitstorm

Plenty of Rand-y acolytes have dreamed of fleeing Obama’s (and Clinton’s and Carter’s and Johnson’s and Kennedy’s) America and entering the warm, dopamine confines of their own Galt’s Gulch. Last year, one group appeared to have succeeded with a settlement in Chile—”a fully self-sustaining community” that would enable individualistic immigrants (with sufficient funds) to fully renounce “the oppression of the over-regulated, over-taxed, war-riddled and welfare-riddled society consuming the world.” They take Bitcoin and everything.

But all is not so sweet. Wendy McElroy, a “Canadian individualist anarchist” of some note, bought a 1.25-acre plot in Galt’s Gulch Chile last year, or so she thought. She wrote a blistering post Monday suggesting that the Real Men of Genius behind the settlement are grifters, or incompetents, or both:

Shortly after purchasing, I received an unsigned email through the webform of a site I maintain. It informed me that GGC was a fraud. One reason: GGC lacked water rights. In Chile, purchasing surface land and water rights are two separate processes. GGC is desert terrain, rather like California, and water rights are absolutely necessary for a community to be established.

via Ayn Rand’s Capitalist Paradise Is Now a Greedy Land-Grabbing Shitstorm.

The reason objectivism/ibertarianism doesn’t work in the real world is because it’s not a real idea.  It was designed as a response to another idea, and only makes sense as a “nuh-uh” to that idea, and cannot stand on its own.

Eric Cantor, Giant Douchebag, joins Wall Street investment firm he was supposed to Regulate

Cantor, a lawyer, does not have a Wall Street background, though he was considered a friend of Wall Street in Congress. According to data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, individuals and committees associated with the securities and investment business were the leading donors among industries to Cantor’s reelection bid, giving a combined total of about $1.4 million during the primary election cycle in 2013 and 2014.

via Eric Cantor joins Wall Street investment firm, will open Washington office – The Washington Post.

And now you know why the GOP fought so hard against Obama’s Wall Street reforms. Seriously…this is something of a cliche. However, the next time I *single out someone* in politics for being a *particularly heinous douchebag*….AS I DID WITH ERIC CANTOR….please take notice.

He was, and continues to be, particularly odious. 

Sidenote: Cantor was such an epitome of the word “douchebag” that the Oxford English Dictonary (online) added it as a real word.