The Model (TM) = Turing Machine (TM)

[ed note: this is for people who have read some of my book.  I’m about to update all the free chapters and add the fourth one, so this could be considered a bit of pre-ambles, or teaser, before I get to that.]

So I was doing a bit of reading about some stuff and wanted to make something clear about my book (and this is mainly for Marty…you handsome devil, you).  What I am describing in the mathematical and computational chapters of the book (i.e. the phyiscs I use as meta-physics) is what is called a “Turing Machine.”   My concept of a Turing Machine (TM) is called in my book, “The Model” (TM), and it is used to calculate things, including itself.

That last bit is the tricky part of designing a good model (err, a perfect one…or as close to perfect as possible), and I think that might be where many people become confused.   Luckily, I’ve provided a couple of appendices on recursion and hope people read them.

Main point of this post is simply this, TM = TM.  Got it?