I’m not a Democrat. I’m an anti-Republican (the Rational Position)

Today, my voting record says I’m a Democrat. I voted for Kerry in 2004 and Obama in 2008 and 2012. I nearly always support Democrats in House, Senate, and gubernatorial elections. But I don’t identify closely with or feel deep loyalty to the Democratic Party, its agenda, or its electoral coalition.

You could say that I’m less a Democrat than an anti-Republican. I vote the way I do because I want the GOP to lose, lose badly, and keep losing until it comes to its collective senses, which at this point seems a very long way off indeed.

There are so many reasons why I’ve come to this position that I almost don’t know where to begin. So let’s just start with recent headlines — which means the Benghazi Obsession.

Four people died in the September 2012 attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens. It was a tragedy. It was infuriating. It deserved to be investigated.

And it has been. Nine times.

via I’m not a Democrat. I’m an anti-Republican. – The Week.

I could have written this.  I didn’t but I could have, because I agree with nearly every word.