You Ever Wonder Where These Came From?

Design Observer: writings about design & culture


The Brannock Foot-Measuring Device, designed by Charles F. Brannock, 1925

The Brannock Foot-Measuring Device, designed by Charles F. Brannock, 1925

Read all about it above.  Just thought it was a strange story about what I always thought was a children’s torture device.

I really didn’t like shopping.  Shoes in particular.

Read that part about how manufacturers don’t really follow the device and you’ll know the root of my pain.

Fight Against the Dying of the Magnet

A Brief Message: No Resistance Is Futile

Six1 words2 can3 tell4 a5 story6 while five is too small. Constraints write without the letter “e”; use only one-syllable words; make every sentence exactly N words [see Oulipo and Georges Perec] can force me and you out of windbaggery and make certain things possible. Not long ago, tasked to review 763 songs at a swoop, I cut the review length to six words and suffered not at all.