Projector vs. Projector

My friends, during last night’s presidential debate, McCain took That One to task for approving funding for an “overhead projector.” Howard Covitz, who used to work at Chicago’s Adler Planetarium, prepared this helpful graphic for McCain to show the difference between an overhead projector and a planetarium projector.

Note to McCain: Overhead projector is not a planetarium projector

via Note to McCain: Overhead projector is not a planetarium projector – Boing Boing

A bit late on this, but McCain has been using the “projector” in his stump speech, so it would be worthwhile to mention the real story behind the projector and the people who try to get other, younger, people interested in science.

UPDATE: Another excellent article on the topic.

It’s a Blue Planet, Although It *is* Snowing on Mars

Vote Obama or McCain: Global Electoral College | The Economist.

There’s a nice application over at the Economist that gives a feeling of how the world would vote if the concept of the United States’ “electoral college” was exported to the entire world.

Unsurprisingly, they favor the guy who is more their color.

Which is to say, blue (and off-white, to be honest).

To briefly extend the red-state/blue-state metaphor to one of global proportions, I would much prefer we live on a Blue Planet rather than a Red Planet.

The Blue Planet is beautiful and awe-inspiring.   Yes, sometimes vicious and cruel, but no more than is necessary.

The Red Planet is a planet of war and conquest (and a horrid movie).  It is a planet of heroes and tragedies.  Right now, however, we’re learning circumstances there are much stranger than previously thought.

September 29, 2008 (Computerworld) Forget trying to find evidence that there used to be water on Mars. Scientists from NASA said today that its instruments on the Red Planet have detected falling snow.

While the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has been circling the planet, the Phoenix Mars Lander has been sitting on the northern pole of the planet for several months, testing Martian soil samples for any materials — including water-ice — that could support life. A robotic arm on the lander has dug up pieces of ice, and the orbiter has sent back pictures of what look like old fractures in the planet’s surface, and trails of waterways.

Scientists today added to that mounting list of scientific Martian discoveries with evidence of falling snow. “Nothing like this view has ever been seen on Mars,” said Jim Whiteway, lead scientist for the Canadian-supplied Meteorological Station on Phoenix. “We’ll be looking for signs that the snow may even reach the ground.”

[full story]

I think the metaphorical implications of this latest discovery are quite revealing.  A planet (or politician) once thought to represent all that was glorious in war, is actually kind of cold and crying on the inside.  The sadness never quite makes it all the way out, and the devils of the past remain evident, yet the full picture piques curiousity more than respect.  We end up feeling more of a distant pity than a searing loyalty.

And so it is with the man who wants to lead a Red Planet, as the global poll numbers would suggest.

Scientists Expose Mystery Behind Aurora Borealis Spectacle Of Light

The enigmatic aurora borealis has kept scientists on a constant quest to understand the mysterious forces behind the spectacular dance of lights that brightens the North sky at night. Auroras can be observed near the Earth’s northern (aurora borealis) and southern (aurora australis) magnetic poles, in colorful green, blue or red displays.

The spectacular events have been linked to geomagnetic substorms, which are powered by explosions of magnetic energy one third of the way to the moon. This triggers the magnetic reconnection phenomenon, when magnetic field lines merge into new shapes, causing the sudden brightening and movement of the aurora borealis.

“We discovered what makes the Northern Lights dance,” said Dr. Vassilis Angelopoulos of the University of California, Los Angeles. Scientists have been trying for decades to find out what exactly triggers the burst of energy in Earth’s magnetosphere.

With the help of the NASA THEMIS satellites, short for Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms, researchers identified the magnetic explosions that produce dynamic changes in the auroral displays.

Scientists Expose Mystery Behind Aurora Borealis Spectacle Of Light.

David Sibeck, THEMIS project scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, explained that the magnetic reconnection releases the energy captured and stored by Earth’s magnetic field lines from the solar wind back toward the Earth’s atmosphere, which creates halos of shimmering auroras circling the northern and southern poles.

Prior to the observations from the THEMIS satellites, there have been two theories regarding the substorms. One theory placed substorms closer to Earth, one-sixth of the way to the moon, where large amounts of particles are sent toward our planet from solar wind currents’ disruptions, causing the burst of light.

The second theory, confirmed by this study, places the substorms one third of the distance to the moon, where magnetic lines are stretched so far back that they snap into a new shape, similar to a rubber band when it is stretched too far, in a phenomenon known as magnetic reconnection.

This is from over a month back, but I really wanted to mention it, both here and on the video.  I can explain what his happening there a bit better, using the pictures below, but I always find it exciting when we solve another of the great mysteries.

Simple Version of the Earth's Magnetic Field

Simple Version of the Earth's Magnetic Field

Complex Version of the Earth's Magnetic field

Complex Version of the Earth's Magnetic Field

UPDATE: You can see the video version of this post in these videos. This post is covered in the second one.

Has the Large Hadron Collider destroyed the world yet?

Has the Large Hadron Collider destroyed the world yet?.

This site is awesome.

I’ll have a longer story about what this is about in a bit, but this is hilarious.

As noted, make sure to read the source code as well.

That’s some powerful javascript.

UPDATE: Holy crap. I don’t now how I missed this.

Below is my absolutely favorite theoretical physics-based rap song ever!!  And they even kick in some MC Hawking.

[hmmm, looks like embedding is disabled, here’s the link]

If you want to know what the LHC at CERN is hoping to find, watch the rap. It actually does a pretty damn good job of explaining the basic problem with the “standard model” in physics. That being our “theory of gravity” doesn’t quite work mathematically with our theory of “every other force in the galaxy.”

Read on for my prediction of the experiement’s results… Continue reading

Water Bears May Be Fruit of All Life

Vacuum (imposing extreme dehydration) and solar/galactic cosmic radiation prevent survival of most organisms in space [1]. Only anhydrobiotic organisms, which have evolved adaptations to survive more or less complete desiccation, have a potential to survive space vacuum, and few organisms can stand the unfiltered solar radiation in space. Tardigrades, commonly known as water-bears, are among the most desiccation and radiation-tolerant animals and have been shown to survive extreme levels of ionizing radiation [2, 3, 4]. Here, we show that tardigrades are also able to survive space vacuum without loss in survival, and that some specimens even recovered after combined exposure to space vacuum and solar radiation. These results add the first animal to the exclusive and short list of organisms that have survived such exposure.

Current Biology — Jönsson et al..

This is via Metafilter.

Water-bears can be seen here.

Fossil range: Early Cambrian to Recent[1]
The tardigrade Hypsibius dujardini

The tardigrade Hypsibius

[full article]

I covered a bit of the concept of “Panspermia” in my Spore review.  This looks like a possible culprit, as the dang things can surive /scary voice/ the vacuum of spaaace1! /scary voice/.

True Bood Invented…At Least the Potential for It

Scientists said Tuesday that they had devised a way to grow large quantities of blood in the lab using human embryonic stem cells, potentially making blood drives a thing of the past.

But experts cautioned that although it represented a significant technical advance, the new approach required several key improvements before it could be considered a realistic alternative to donor blood.

The research team outlined a four-step process for turning embryonic stem cells into red blood cells capable of carrying as much oxygen as normal blood. The procedure was published online by the journal Blood.

Researchers produce blood in lab from stem cells – Los Angeles Times.

I love that the journal is just called Blood.

But yes, you read that right. We can now make blood. This is the amazing thing about embryonic stem cells, if you feed them right they can become an entire person. It happens everyday, quite naturally, now we are learning how to guide the process.

Oh, and for those of you that think these cells come from aborted abortions, they don’t. We fertilize more than 10x the number of eggs needed for all in utero attachment operations and freezing stuff and selling eggs on the market, etc. It doesn’t take much to get some stem cells together, curiously enough. Most women have millions of eggs and most men produce millions of sperm…per day. There’s a reason our species came to dominate this planet and our incredible reproductive adaptability is a big part of that.

There is not a shortage of humans or stem cells and creating a false one is killing fully formed people with families, experience and knowledge, the last two of which are unique. Think about that for a second. I keep hearing from these boomers opine that life begins at 50, which is to say nothing of conception.

Regardless of that debate, this is cool for two other reasone. One is a new HBO show about Vampires, based on this very technological development.

The other cool part is how it illustrates the kind of change in political environment we need to keep pace with the change in technological environment.

Think about it for a second…all our soldiers, all our gunshots victims (gooo 2nd!!), all our stabbing victims, all our emergency room patients, all our living, breathing, people, will have the blood they need. Good, clean, blood. No infections, no, “Umm, sorry we saved your life by gave you Hep C” conversations.

This is the future that is possible.

But not with McCain/Palin, as they and their Supreme Court choices, will outlaw any form of public or private research. It seems weird to look at it like that, and I may even be accused of politicizing science with pointing it out. But fuck that, making something legal isn’t involving politics, it’s involving freedom. Making some illegal takes politics. And government.

We are naturally free, it take government to kill that.

(And sometimes it helps make our freedoms worthwhile in the form of hospitals and stuff like that…which having lots of clean blood available would make cheaper and more effective)

Palin to Right of Republicans on Climate Change

ABC News’ Rick Klein Reports: Among the issues Sen. John McCain will have to smooth over with his new running mate: global warming.

In an interview for the September issue of the conservative magazine Newsmax, Gov. Sarah Palin, R-Alaska, said she does not believe climate change is caused by human behavior.

“A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I’m not one though who would attribute it to being man-made,” Palin said in the interview, which was posted online Friday.

McCain, R-Ariz., by contrast, has broken with his party’s dogma by supporting a mandatory program to cap carbon emissions — a point of pride for McCain as he burnishes his independent reputation.

Palin’s quote about global warming not being manmade is also at odds with the freshly approved GOP platform for 2008. That language — adopted by the party this week — marks the first time the Republican Party’s policy document addresses climate change.

“The same human activity that has brought freedom and opportunity to billions has also increased the amount of carbon in the atmosphere,” the document reads. “Increased atmospheric carbon has a warming effect on the earth.”

Political Radar: Palin: Global Warming Not Man-Made.

Note: That last bit isn’t from some tree-hugging hippie-Greenpeace-giving-whale-savers, it’s from the Grand Ole Party, The Republicans. Really. No shit, I couldn’t believe it either.

And I can’t believe they’d nominate a VP who was to the right of them on the environment. What an interesting week.

Pawlenty Confirms It, Palin is a believer in Intelligent Design

I mentioned this in the post over here. I wasn’t sure if there was going to be much traction on that, but it turns out to be correct. Palin wants science classes to teach religious theory. Debunked religious theory. Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty just confirmed this on Meet The Press.

Awesome. You know, I was just thinking the other day how great it has been having an anti-science nutjob in the Whitehouse and I was asking myself we could do to extend that streak. Looks like there in an answer.

After my initial reaction to the nomination of Sarah Palin and after getting over my surprise, I’ve come to the conclusion that this is some joke on the part of John McCain and he is going to announce his real running mate during the RNC convention.

So far I’ve seen McCain, his top aide, and another in the campaign get asked point blank about Palin’s complete and utter lack of domestic or international policy experience. All three dodged the question.

All three supporters dodged the basic question about what, if any, experience she has tackling national or international issues. Well, now we know about one. She wants to teach your children her version of creation. Science be damned

For some reason no one asked about Alaskan issues, which I’m assuming she has some experience in. Not that it matters now, but there ya go.


UPDATE 9/1/8: This post seems to be getting the most attention right now. Palin has set the internet a buzz this weekend. I’ve done a bunch of stuff on the nomination. Here’s some links.

The original nomination.

A bit of education.

A bit about Alaskan politics, and Palin’s abuse of executive power (i.e experience).

Palin on climate change.

More general commentary from Alaskan papers and others.

Palin’s executive broadcasting experience and McCain’s funny joke.

Another theory why McCain tapped Palin (or wants to).

and finally, the topper…

Palin against birth control and has pregnant teenage daughter to prove it.

That’s about it for now. I think I’m about Palin’ed out.

I have to say now…at this point in my analysis…I’m thinking the best is seven days, plus or minus 3 before she pulls a Tom Eagleton and Obama coasts to victory (barring something even weirder happening).

Science Confirms Bill Hicks Theory on Religion

Spiritual effects of hallucinogens persist, researchers report

Writing in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, the Johns Hopkins researchers note that most of the 36 volunteer subjects given psilocybin, under controlled conditions in a Hopkins study published in 2006, continued to say 14 months later that the experience increased their sense of well-being or life satisfaction.

“Most of the volunteers looked back on their experience up to 14 months later and rated it as the most, or one of the five most, personally meaningful and spiritually significant of their lives,” says lead investigator Roland Griffiths, Ph.D., a professor in the Johns Hopkins departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Neuroscience.

In a related paper, also published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, researchers offer recommendations for conducting this type of research.

The guidelines caution against giving hallucinogens to people at risk for psychosis or certain other serious mental disorders. Detailed guidance is also provided for preparing participants and providing psychological support during and after the hallucinogen experience. These “best practices” contribute both to safety and to the standardization called for in human research.

I remember running into this study a while back. And personal experience has confirmed it rather well, both in the insight and the lasting impact of the insight.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about here, a fellow Texan Bill Hick nailed the whole concept in this bit. you can just listen..

A number of cultures have realized this curious confluence of psychological substance and religious experience.

The U.S. made some serious moves towards this attitudes a couple of generations ago, but then the religious and experimental aspects of the culture became set at incompatible angles because of an idiotic war (speaking of the 60’s obviously) and a historic opportunity was lost.


O.k. I just found this funny. It was linked on the YouTube page. Here’s Bill Cosby on lysergic acid diethylamide (lsd, acid)

The New Red Spot

Jupiter's new red spot

PHOTO IN THE NEWS: Jupiter Gains New Red Spot

May 23, 2008—A new hot-hued storm spot (far left) churns away on Jupiter on May 9 and 10, when the Hubble Space Telescope took the images that were combined to create this picture, which was released yesterday.

The “baby” storm is the gas giant’s third red spot, after the Great Red Spot (at center-right) and Red Spot, Jr (lower left). The new spot’s size has not been announced. The Great Red Spot is roughly as wide as the entire Earth.

Jupiter’s newest “blemish” used to be a white oval-shaped storm but turned brick red as its clouds rose and reacted to solar UV radiation.

Right now the as yet unnamed storm and the Great Red Spot are on a collision course.

Ain’t it soo cute?

The Whole Thing is Easy to Explain

Scientists Explain Red Sea Parting and Other Miracles

Was the mythical parting of the Red Sea triggered by Moses’ outstretched hand or an unusual chain of perfectly natural causes? Or both?

And does it matter? [RPN: NOOOO!!! It doesn’t matter.  This stuff has been relatively explainable for millenia.  Hasn’t made a difference.]

Russian researchers recently took a stab at explaining one of the Bible’s most famous miracles. Their version of events describes how a strong, persistent wind and an underlying reef may have made the feat possible.

The research follows a long line of efforts by science scholars to prove religious miracles from claims of sighting the ruins of Noah’s Ark to attributing the biblical “trumpet blast” from Mt. Sinai as volcanic activity. Some argue such explanations diminish the concept of miracles while others say they reinforce their power.

A Good Wind and Good Timing

In the latest attempt to lend scientific credence to a supernatural event, Naum Volzinger, a senior researcher at St. Petersburg’s Institute of Oceanography, and Alexei Androsov, a colleague based in Hamburg, Germany, analyzed conditions that could have made the parting of the Red Sea possible.

As the biblical story goes: “And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.”

Volzinger and Androsov calculated that a wind blowing at the speed of 67 miles per hour sustained overnight could have exposed a reef that existed close below the ocean surface. The Israelites could have then fled over the passage before the wind died down and waters rose again, blocking the way for pursuing Egyptian soldiers in their wheeled chariots.

Volzinger explains that some 3,500 years ago, the reef would have been closer to the water’s surface so it would have been exposed for just the right amount of time.

“It would take the Jews … four hours to cross the 7-kilometer reef that runs from one coast to another,” Volzinger told The Moscow Times. “Then, in half an hour, the waters would come back.”

Yes, but what about a laden Jew?

Mathematics in honor of passover.  I wonder how they exlpain that one?  Maybe some shiny metal “angel” of robot, err, death, swooped down and slaughtered all those who didn’t know the passoverword?

Naaah, I don’t remember anything like that..

The Oldest Crap in America

Human Traces Found to Be Oldest in N. America –

Scientists have found and dated the oldest human remnants ever uncovered in the Americas — a discovery that places people genetically similar to Native Americans in Oregon more than 14,000 years ago and 1,000 years earlier than previous estimates.

Using radiocarbon dating and DNA analysis, an international team concluded that fossilized feces found five feet below the surface of an arid cave are significantly older than any previous human remains unearthed in the Americas.

Don’t you love the idea tha someday scientists are going to be rooting around in your bowel movements to understand what horribly unbalanced diets most modern Americans enjoy?

I certainly do.  It’s chili with cheese and onions tonight, followed by a big helping of jambalaya.