Nude Pics of Michelle Malkin Surface (oh, and John Ziegler is a liar)

Oh, wait, she's got clothes on

Oh, wait, she's in her jammies

Note: title of this post crafted to appeal to Michelle Malkin fans.  I know why you read that nut.

How Obama got elected

By Michelle Malkin  •  November 18, 2008 09:11 AM

Three words: Stupid people voted.

Lots and lots of stupid people.

This is nice.  Pretty funny actually.  Those links go a poll that some nutjub McCain whiner hired “Zogby” to do.  As a polling company, this is what they do.  It should be noted, however, that the questions here are supplied by the client, it’s the methodology and actual polling done by the contractee.

The guy hired Zogby to do the poll so he wouldn’t be outed as a sneaky editor for making his documentary regarding the stupidity of the majority of American voters.  Sadly, looking at the poll results and then the video (which I’ll post at the end) reveals *EXACTLY* how sneaky and underhanded it is.

The poll results are interesting.   What is more interesting is how the guy who commissioned the poll is spinning it, while at the same time whining about the election to everyone that will listen.

Read on for that story….

First up, I’ll give him his chance to show-off, then I’ll tear it apart.  My guess is that most folks won’t read this whole thing (there’s a reason a lot of these polls of Americans looks so bad…).  It turns out I’m in the top 0.5% of most-informed people in the Obama electorate, according to the poll, as I was able to answer all questions easily.  Not only that, I can point how this jerkoff is lying with statistics, and in some cases, just flat out lying.

If you consider yourself of a similar level of political awareness (regardless of affiliation), you should be able to answer my quiz questions below handily and without googling.

At end, I’ll give you a quick test about John McCain, and you’ll see how you too, if you had enough money, can make any group of people look retarded (Leno does it every week, but is less subtle).

As I’m one of the group getting slandered here, and kinda laughing about it, as my GUY won, I’ll go ahead and point out the biggest lie in the data first.

2008 Presidential

Valid Obama

512 100.0 100.0 100.0

This is from a table that illustrates that 100% of those polled claimed to vote for Obama.

Some might think (and I use the term loosely) that using 100% of Obama voters would give the poll more ooomph. Sadly, anyone who knows anything about science and logic knows that if you want to compare things in an accurate way, you need to have a control.   In this case…there is no control.  It’s entirely possible, and I would say OVERWHELMINGLY LIKELY, that McCain supporters would do even worse in this poll, or an equivalent one.

After all, they voted to put Sarah Palin one fluttering heartbeat away from the leading a country deep into 2 wars, a global financial meltdown, a Medicare crisis, a Social Security crisis, and record deficits brought on by cutting taxes and going to war…..knowledge of the current global situation wasn’t exactly their strong point, or hers.

Sadly, our whining auteur doesn’t get science….even as he thinks he does…

Because obviously interviewing a relative handful of Obama voters, while interesting, is hardly scientific proof of anything, we also commissioned a Zogby telephone poll which asked the very same questions (as well as a few others) with similarly amazing results.

Frankly, I don’t have enough money to waste making myself feel better by pointing out the ignorance of others…at least not by commissioning polls.  I can just read Malkin and laugh at that, but I digress.

Enough ado, here’s the b.s. version….pretty damning at is looks…

512 Obama Voters 11/13/08-11/15/08 MOE +/- 4.4 points

97.1% High School Graduate or higher, 55% College Graduates

Results to 12 simple Multiple Choice Questions

57.4% could NOT correctly say which party controls congress (50/50 shot just by guessing)

81.8% could NOT correctly say Joe Biden quit a previous campaign because of plagiarism (25% chance by guessing)

82.6% could NOT correctly say that Barack Obama won his first election by getting opponents kicked off the ballot (25% chance by guessing)

88.4% could NOT correctly say that Obama said his policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket (25% chance by guessing)

56.1% could NOT correctly say Obama started his political career at the home of two former members of the Weather Underground (25% chance by guessing).

And yet…..

Only 13.7% failed to identify Sarah Palin as the person on which their party spent $150,000 in clothes

Only 6.2% failed to identify Palin as the one with a pregnant teenage daughter

And 86.9 % thought that Palin said that she could see Russia from her “house,” even though that was Tina Fey who said that!!

Only 2.4% got at least 11 correct.

Only .5% got all of them correct. (And we “gave” one answer that was technically not Palin, but actually Tina Fey)

The fun part about this particular piece of intellectual excrement is you have access to the raw data, and the interpreted results (that’s what you just read).

So the format here is going to be question, actual results,then John Ziegler‘s interpretation, and I’ll finish each question with devastating logic and facts.

I’ll go in the order he did above for clarity, and then include the results he forgot to mention (and the final question that reveals how silly this whole endeavor is…but what the heck….call me an idiot, John Ziegler, and you get a chapter back pointing out your other lies.)

200. Before this past election, which political party controlled both houses of congress?

A1: Democrats (correct): 42.6%
A2: Republicans: 36.5%
A3: Neither: 12.9%
A4: Not Sure: 8%

John Ziegler’s Interpretation….”57.4% could NOT correctly say which party controls congress (50/50 shot just by guessing)”

RobotPirateNinja destruction:  First up, your video does not show ANY people getting the question right, as they obviously did.  In fact, more got it right than wrong.  Second, it could be argued VERY thoroughly that before the 2008 election, neither party “controlled” Congress (both House and Senate).  After the 2006 election there were 49 (D)s, 49 (R)s, and 2 (I)s.  At the time, both (I)’s (Sanders, LIEberman) caucused with the (D)s.  However, during the campaign, LIEberman spoke at the Republican National Convention.  That would raise questions, one would think, about Democratic “control” as Dick Cheney was the deciding (R) vote in the now seemingly-tied Senate.  Also, LIEberman threatened to joined the Republicans when the (D)s mentioned trying to strip his chairmanships, so it’s far from an absolute answer.

Regardless, watch the video and see if he shows most people getting it right.  Or if he’s lying.

He’s also off on the concept that it is a “50/50 shot just by guessing”.   It’s entirely possible for one party to control the House and one to control the Senate.  Thanks to LIEberman, that’s effectively where we’ve been for the last two years.

[note: you can stop now if you are convinced John Ziegler is a liar (and you should be), but continue if you want to see how bad a liar he is, and his complete inability to do basic math.]


203. Which candidate had to quit a previous political campaign because they were found to have plagiarized a speech?

A1: Not Sure [the guy from Idiocracy] : 53.3%
A2: Joe Biden (correct) : 28.2%
A3: None (“trick question” answer) : 9.1%
A4: Barack Obama : 4.2%
A5: John McCain: 3.6%
A6: Sarah Palin: 1.4%

John Ziegler’s Interpretation….”81.8% could NOT correctly say Joe Biden quit a previous campaign because of plagiarism (25% chance by guessing)”

RobotPirateNinja destruction: O.k. here his basic math is just wrong.  100-28.2 = 71.8

John Ziegler can’t even add, well…technically this is subtraction that he is failing at…but still.

Add to that the fact that the vast majority of people that tried to answer this 20-year old bit of trivia GOT THE ANSWER RIGHT.  Again, the majority of people who had an answer, got it right.  And very technically, the people who answered “Not Sure” were also correct, as they were not sure.  Knowing one’s intellectual limits is actually a good thing, and admitting ignorance when it exists never hurt anyone.

When you try and overstep your abilities… get the Icarus impression we are seeing here.


204. Which candidate won their first election by getting all of their opponents kicked off the ballot?
A1: Not Sure [that guy should run for office] 60.8%
A2: Obama: 17.4%
A3: None: 9.8%
A4: Palin: 5.5%
A5: McCain: 5.3%
A6: Biden: 1.3%

JZ’s interpretation…”82.6% could NOT correctly say that Barack Obama won his first election by getting opponents kicked off the ballot (25% chance by guessing)”

RPN destruction: Hey, at least you got *some* of the math right.  I see six answers, which makes guessing the right one about a 16.6667% chance, the ratio of the devil.   And again you miss that the plurality of those polled got the right answer.  Does your video reflect that?

This is a true story, and a curious one.  You can read it here. There is a reason he made it to the top, and it’s not because he’s a stupid wuss.

Remember this question, as it will come back to haunt John Ziegler when the final question is revealed…


209. Which candidate said their policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket?

A1: Not Sure [That bastard! Where’s my Brawndo?!]: 42.9%
A2: McCain: 27.5%
A3: Obama: 11.6%
The others, that can’t set policy…cut…this is getting long(er).

John Ziegler’s interpretation…”88.4% could NOT correctly say that Obama said his policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket (25% chance by guessing)”

RobotPirateNinja destruction: This is such a stupid question, it’s hard to take the answer anywhere.  It’s based on an out of context quote from Obama when he said that old-school nasty coal plants won’t have a future in this country because of the ratio of the amount of pollution/amount of energy they produce.

Ask someone who lives next to one why that might be.  Hold a seance if you have to.

Maybe you can even contact the ratio of the beast, 16.6667%, which was the same *actual* guess rate on this one.  Yea, he’s failed at math in 4 out of 4 “interpretations” so far.

It should be noted that John McCain had endorsed a similar “cap and trade” policy that would have the same result.

saving next question for last…

205. Which candidate wore clothes that their political party reportedly spent $150,000 on?

A1: Sarah Palin: 86.3%

John Ziegler’s interpretation….”Only 13.7% failed to identify Sarah Palin as the person on which their party spent $150,000 in clothes.”

RobotPirateNinja response…umm…shouldn’t that say “rented” for $150,000.  No wait…the RNC bought them, but Palin only “borrowed” them.  Surely the RNC will find many useful hockey moms to donate them to.  This was, I think, the nail in the coffin for Palin.  When John Edwards got raked over the coals for spending $400 of campaign money on a haircut, it’s laughable to think that spending 375 times that much donated money should get a pass.

It’s hard to identify with someone who spends 3-5 times your yearly paycheck on clothes in three months.


206. Which candidate currently has a pregnant teenage daughter?

A: Palin: 93.8%

JZ’s interpretation….”Only 6.2% failed to identify Palin as the one with a pregnant teenage daughter.”

RPN’s response: How do nearly 1 in 17 people NOT know this.  Palin came out of nowhere, and we find out *immediately* that she’s got a knocked up kid.  Heck, she talked about it a bunch. This aspect of her life pretty much defined her.

It gave those of us who think teaching abstinence-only sex education is as retarded as well…it’s just retarded…but the whole incident gave us a deep and abiding chuckle.

It’s called a condom, and every mom who doesn’t want their daughter to marry a high-school dropout because she got knocked up should teach their sexually-aware kids what it is and how it works.


202. Which candidate said they could see Russia from their house?

A: Palin 86.9%

JZ’s interpretation…”And 86.9 % thought that Palin said that she could see Russia from her “house,” even though that was Tina Fey who said that!! “

RPN’s response: Yea…what was it that Palin said…oh yea…”As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border.” –Sarah Palin, explaining why Alaska’s proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy experience, interview with CBS’s Katie Couric, Sept. 24, 2008.

Which Tina Fey rightly mocked liked nobody’s business.  BTW, I accurately predicted that it would be devastating. Good work, Ms. Fey.   Never let a naked emperor take office, no matter how hot she is.

And finally….at least for the interpretation offered…..

211. Which candidate started their political career at the home of two former members of the Weather Underground?

A1: Obama: 43.9%
A2: Not Sure [the true Mastermind]: 40.2%
A3: None: 12.2%

JZ’s interpretation….”

56.1% could NOT correctly say Obama started his political career at the home of two former members of the Weather Underground (25% chance by guessing).”

RPN’s response: Actually, only 12.2% got this one right.  Don’t you recall the other question you asked, John?

“204. Which candidate won their first election by getting all of their opponents kicked off the ballot?”

So I guess he was just hanging out with the terrorist for fun, eh?  As he already had that first election, and his future political career, all wrapped up.  Are you next going to argue the Weather Underground was instrumental in pointing out that Obama’s first opponents didn’t follow the rules?

Because if you did….that would make about as much sense as your movie.

So there you go.  Each question mentioned on his site and a simple analysis of the *actual* data which seems to disagree with JZ on every point.

Which brings us to an interesting question…what questions and answers *didn’t* get interpreted?

Glad you asked….


201. Which candidate could not say how many houses they own?

A: McCain: 81.3% [dead on]


207. Which candidate said that Obama would be tested in his first six months as president by a generated international crisis?

A1: Biden (correct): 53.3%
A2: McCain: 20.9%
A3: Not Sure [who had experience in such things]: 20.1%


208. Which candidate claimed to have campaigned in 57 states?
Not even putting up results here, since basing questions on a single, never-repeated, slip-of-the-toungue is so retarded only John Ziegler could think it makes a good point.
210. Which candidate said that the government should redistribute the wealth?
A: Obama: 81.0% [note the edit in the film, the actual conversation is nearly six minutes, not a sixth of a second.]

My guess is that he didn’t include these as they illustrate that Obama’s electorate was, in fact, quite well informed about what was going on.

This was illustrated by how so many more people voted for Obama than McCain on November 4th.  You may recall that..

Oh, here’s the movie.  It’s got the nutsos (see title of post) in a giggle….but now that you know the raw data, you can see how big of a lie it really is.

How many of these scenes agree with the polling data?

Hope this helps.



UPDATE:  Oh, I nearly forgot….here’s some fun questions for McCain/Palin folks…

Q1: Which of the four Presidential and VP candidates was NOT born in the United States?

Q2: Which of the four Presidential and VP candidates cheated on their first spouse with someone 18 years younger than them?

Q3: Which of the four … was investigated by Congress regarding their role in the worst single-day stock market drop in history?

Q4: Which …. is married to a former member of a group that advocates seceding from the US?

Q5: Which …. said that Americans wouldn’t work hard manual labor for $50/hr?

See how nasty that can get?  And that’s just off the toppa my head…it’s just not a useful direction to go.

UPDATE: It looks like he fixed his most obvious math problem.  Now he’s just got the rest of them to worry about.  And for those thinking I may have fudged the numbers to make him look worse (i.e. that I’m a hypocrite like Ziegler) here’s the screenshot.

John Ziegler Fails at Subtraction

John Ziegler Fails at Subtraction

And why is Ziegler a hypocrite?  Recall, he’s been on the radio for most of his career.  This comment by Dughan on Fark encapsulates it nicely…

How can the media declare the media biased by using the media to spread their message?

Let me see if I can find an analogy… its like a life long hunter demonstrating guns are unsafe by shooting himself in the foot.

19 thoughts on “Nude Pics of Michelle Malkin Surface (oh, and John Ziegler is a liar)

  1. I’m conservative and chuckled at the spin as well. But regardless of the guy’s desire to make a hack film, what this shows, truly, is that the MSM completely controlled what the people knew.

    The spreads were not evem close.

    And I agree- how do you NOT know Palin’s daughter was pregnant; though the cheap shot at her beliefs was uncalled for. *Shrug* To each his own.

    Good cross-exam of the data.

  2. I’m conservative and chuckled at the spin as well.

    Good to hear. Some folks push it a bit far. I do myself from time to time, but am usually happy to admit I’m doing it for fun.

    But regardless of the guy’s desire to make a hack film, what this shows, truly, is that the MSM completely controlled what the people knew.

    I’ll agree with that slightly, but only if you acknowledge that Fox, and “News” Radio (i.e. limbaugh, hannity, o’reilly, beck) are part of the MSM.

    If you don’t do that, I’m going to have to ask why.

    And I don’t think “controlled” is the right word. It’s really hard to control people and information, particularly since a great many people got their info via the Net during this election.

    Also, the majority of these questions were terrible and leading, and almost all done from out of context quotes (the Biden one on the 6-month thing is probably the worst. Everyone quoted Biden’s set-up, nobody mentioned the punchline…made for more viewers).

    I wouldn’t take too much out of it. Real polls don’t use such biased questions based on half-truths and highly edited video.

    What corporate media does is try to keep people watching (or listening). That’s all they want. They rarely get graded on accuracy, and never by anyone with real authority to change it. They get graded on profit, which is driven by viewers. Their goal isn’t to inform, it is to keep you watching. Emotion, not logic. Innuendo, not fact.

    That’s why nobody aired that video of Ayers I posted a couple days ago. It would have ended that entire discussion, at least for the rational folks.

    Thanks, though. And BTW, you can read an interview with the JZ character here. He’s well off the reservation, IMHO.

  3. The headline said “Nude Pics of Michelle Malkin Surface” but I saw nothing about that. Was that just a hook to get people to read this post?

  4. This weblog seems to recieve a good ammount of visitors. How do you promote it? It offers a nice individual twist on things. I guess having something useful or substantial to post about is the most important factor.

  5. I’m conservative and chuckled at the spin as well. But regardless of the guy’s desire to make a hack film, what this shows, truly, is that the MSM completely controlled what the people knew.

    The spreads were not evem close.

    And I agree- how do you NOT know Palin’s daughter was pregnant; though the cheap shot at her beliefs was uncalled for. *Shrug* To each his own.

    Good cross-exam of the data.

  6. I’m conservative and chuckled at the spin as well. But regardless of the guy’s desire to make a hack film, what this shows, truly, is that the MSM completely controlled what the people knew.

  7. This weblog seems to recieve a good ammount of visitors. How do you promote it? It offers a nice individual twist on things. I guess having something useful or substantial to post about is the most important factor 🙂

  8. I’m conservative and chuckled at the spin as well. But regardless of the guy’s desire to make a hack film, what this shows, truly, is that the MSM completely controlled what the people knew

    Thank for share 🙂

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  10. Silly stuff. Any serious student of the stats knows that 69.5 million americans voted Obama into office in spite of his repeated, open declarations of contempt of the USA, the Constitution, and traditional morality.The margin of his “victory” was made possible by a coalition of the young, females, and racial minorities. One might note that those three elements were all disenfranchised by the Founders. The election of a certifiable sociopath would have been much less likely in times prior to the egregious errors committed in extending the franchise, (and its concomitant political powers), to those not viewed by our Founders as worthy/competent to exercise it. We may or may not choose to agree with the pre-populist position, but we can certainly note the regression toward the political Left subsequent to the inclusive amendments. Some of us are incontrovertibly convinced that we must turn to the Right, Responsible and Realistic; not to the Lame, Limp, Lascivious Left.

  11. At least you are honest, Al Sowins, on realizing the only way the Republicans can win is by disenfranchising a majority of the nation.

    I’m not the least bit surprised you don’t think women or minorities should be allowed to vote. I don’t think you’ll find many real Americans that agree with you, but you are welcome to push this “White Male Power!” movement as far as you think it will go.

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