It’s Official: The Era of the Personal Computer Is Over

As a signpost on the road to the so-called Post-PC Era we’ve been hearing about for so many years, this one is pretty hard to argue with: As of this year, personal computers no longer consume the majority of the world’s memory chip supply.

And while it may not come as a terrible surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention to personal technology trends during the last few years, there’s nothing like a cold, hard number to make the point crystal clear.

Word of this tipping point came quietly in the form of a press release from the market research firm IHS (the same group formerly known as iSuppli). The moment came during the second quarter of 2012. For the first time in a generation, according to the firm’s reckoning, PCs did not consume the the majority of commodity memory chips, also known as DRAM (pronounced “DEE-ram”).

via It’s Official: The Era of the Personal Computer Is Over. – Arik Hesseldahl – News – AllThingsD.

Twas a fun age.  Now most of the phones on the market have more computing power than the original Apollo Mission…and any PC built last century.  Moore’s Law FTW!