Perry, Santorum, Gingrich, Cornyn all now back Akin to legitimately rape Senate

Republicans Support Todd Akin Again Despite ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comment in Missouri Senate Race – ABC News

Up until the deadline, D.C. Republicans stood by their decision not to support Akin. “We meant what we said,” one GOP strategist told ABC News on Monday, predicting a loss for Akin in the state. “At some point you have to do what’s right for the party, and that was doing what’s right for the party.” But now that the possibility of replacing him has gone away, he is being embraced again, some sounding as if there had never been any doubt. “There is no question that for Missourians who believe we need to stop the reckless Washington spending, rein in the role of government in people’s lives, and finally focus on growing jobs in this country, that Todd Akin is a far more preferable candidate than liberal Senator Claire McCaskill,” the National Republican Senatorial Committee’s executive director, Rob Jesmer, said in a prepared statement on Wednesday. Rick Santorum, Jim DeMint endorse Todd Akin “As with every Republican Senate candidate, we hope Todd Akin wins in November and we will continue to monitor this race closely in the days ahead,” Jesmer said. Translation: If Akin appears to be competitive, the NRSC will consider spending in Missouri –something the committee has maintained it would not do.

For hose wondering about what it what take for he Republicans to reject a candidate, keep wondering, as we haven’t hit that level yet.